Why You Need to Implement the 5 Minute Kid Challenge
My favorite times as a kid were when my parents or brother took just a few minutes to play with me.
I have vivid memories of those small investments of time some three plus decades later. Crazy!
How important is it for our kids to have those times with their parents? What is communicated to your kids when they ask you?
We may quickly respond, “I’m working” or “Not now”.
What they hear is “Work is more important” or “You never have time to play with me.”
I heard a great parenting quote once that said “In parenting, the days and sometimes the nights last forever but the years fly by.” (unknown) So true and why taking just a few minutes to play with our kids mean so much in the overall perspective of their lives.
As motivated, busy professionals our personal world (Be Personally Better) has a purpose outside of work and is manifested in our roles especially as a parent.
We need to be VERY careful how as a parent we take these precious moments that in years will be gone.
What we say and what they hear may be completely different. Hence the 5 Minute Kid Challenge.
Here are Three Reasons What You Should Implement the 5 Minute Kid Challenge:
1 – They Want Your Attention
Believe it or not, those little rascals want to spend time with you. The older they get, the less they may say it but it’s true.
I love nothing more when my 6 year old little girl says “Watch me Daddy.” Or when my 4 year old son says, “Catch me Daddy” as he’s already in mid flight!
I also love the challenge of when my 11 or 12 year old sons won’t straight out ask me to play but if I engage and ask, they’re off the couch and out the door with ball in hand to play. And then they don’t want the time to end. Imagine that.
Our kids want our attention. And if it’s been a long time since you’ve given it to them, just know it won’t take as long to get it back. Change that today.
2 – You Need the Investment
Do you realize you need these little pockets of time to engage in your kids? It’s prime time to climb into the minds and hearts of the ones that bear your name.
Some of my most memorable conversations have happened over puzzles and Legos or throwing a baseball. You have their attention and they’ll tell you anything if you just ask.
I’ve also had difficult conversations with my older sons while playing H.O.R.S.E. on the basketball court. (although we usually choose a Chicago sports team name)
We can use this gift of time to invest into these precious lives by asking questions, laughing, and creating memories.
But you need to make the investment. It simply won’t happen unless you use these times wisely.
3 – You Both Need the Relationship
This is not a one way street here. They want the attention and you need the investment into them but you both desperately need this relationship.
I’m horrified to hear fathers talk about the distance between themselves and their older kids. Scares the mess out of me and I never want to personally experience it.
If you go into the 5 Minute Challenge knowing you both need this time to build the relationship, this time will change.
You will be engaged and absolutely cherish this time.
What may seem like wasted time doing a mindless game is doing so much for both of you if you go in making the most of this precious time that one day you’ll wish you had again.
Here are some suggestions to implement the 5 Minute Challenge:
- Think in 5 Minutes Time Blocks
My brother was 15 years older than me and spent a ton of time with me since my father traveled an absolute ton. He was notorious for setting the old ticking timer for 5 minutes and I knew then it was “game on” literally.
Start thinking that you’re not committing your entire evening or Saturday to playing but 5 minutes here and 5 minutes there. You know when you’ll have 5 minutes and your kids will love it!
- Be Engaged
Don’t look at this as another task. This is precious time to invest into the life of your child. Bring your best.
When I first started doing the 5 Minute Challenge, my youngest son (4) would tell me to stop looking at my phone. How’s THAT for instant and honest feedback!
The phone or the tv can wait. Let’s be fully engaged for those five minutes.
- Spread Out the 5 Minute Wins
The goal is not to be “one and done” but to build into multiple 5 Minute Time Blocks with your kids especially if you have more than one.
Sometimes you can engage two or more children at one time for the 5 Minutes. Other times they want and need the one on one time.
My brother would let me know when he could give me another 5 minutes and I would actually plan it out depending on the weather, time of day, etc.
Make this to be something your kids look forward to and they’ll learn to make the most of the time.
Mine do and here are visuals of the suspects!
Closing Challenge…
Are you playing with your kids? Or are you letting someone else do it for you.
I loved my time with my brother. But I wished it came from my father too. I don’t want to do that to my kids. Maybe you had a dis-engaged parent. Stop the pattern and start planning 5 Minute Time Challenge with your kids.
If you have more than one child, get creative. The point is finding quality time for your kids and realizing they need your attention, you need the investment, and you both need the relationship.
Think through your day of when you can begin to implement the 5 Minute Challenge. Those times are there. You just need to allocate them differently and creatively. And you’ll be SO glad you did…
Closing Question…
How Can You Implement the 5 Minute Challenge Today…?